Senaste nytt Forums Kitesurfing Konfen Kitesurfing Anyone that can tell something about a North Toro 14m2 ´06

  • Anyone that can tell something about a North Toro 14m2 ´06

    Publicerad av mackan7496 på 28 juni, 2010 vid 10:43

    Hi everyone,
    hope to find some advise from more experienced riders on a North Toro 14m2 2006.
    Does any one have experience on that modell and how would you say it will fit a newcomer kiter with 100kg in Skane?
    I ave read some reviews on the net but would like to hear first hand oppinions from people nearby which ride in the same conditions as I do.

    I am happy to get any kind of review and advise so please give it a shot.
    Don´t hesitate to answer in Swedish, I understand it but when it comes to replies I am much better in English.
    All the best and thanks for helping me out.


    mackan7496 svarade 13 år, 11 månader sedan 2 Medlemmar · 4 Svar
  • 4 Svar
  • byguy

    28 juni, 2010 vid 12:29

    It’s a good kite, steady grunt, stable. Not very much depower though, but in stronger winds and really ligth wind shorten the fifth line with 10 to 15 cm (make new stop knots quite ok on the fith line). In strong wind gives more depower, in ligth wind prevents stalling (keeps hanging in the air better). With your weight a 16 m^2 would be sligthly better but 14 is ok. Use the ligth settings (the aftmost piglets both for the frontlines and the steering lines). Doesn’t need to much preassure in the bladders. 5 to 6 psi in leading, 6 psi in struts. Easy relaunch if you learn to use the the fith line for relaunching. (read some old manual). All in all i would say it’s as good beginner kite as a C kite could get, still it’s really good for wakestyle riding. (My son Anton loves his old 16 Toro and since he’s now on Norths international team, they actually consider making him a new one). I’m riding Ozone not sponsored or bias to any brand, so above said is my honest opinion.
    Good luck with your kiting Marcus!

  • mackan7496

    30 juni, 2010 vid 22:34

    Hi byGuy,
    thanks a lot for your reply. Great news for me.
    Do you have a suggestion for a board size for me as well?
    I have changing oppinions all around me so far, some say it is better to learn on a really big board like 150cm + and then later change to a smaller one, other say that a smaller but wider one is better in the beginning and will keep up with the progressing rider for a longer time. The second opinion of course hits in as I am not intending to buy several boards mybe in a season.
    I weigh about 100kg and I think personally that a 140cm could be a ok option for the beginning and for the intermediate learning process until I can ride on much smaller boards even though I am heavy.
    What woud you say?
    All the best and thanks for your suggestion.

  • byguy

    1 juli, 2010 vid 07:45

    Hi Marcus.
    A board around 140×43 would be quite good (I wouldn’t go smaller on the width).
    In general:
    A bigger board (main dimension: width) is easier to get going with but harder to control.
    A smaller board better control but heavier (more pull on the kite).
    Flat rocker improved ligth wind and upwind abilities.
    Curved rocker better turning (often more fun but again more struggle to hold upwind).
    A really big board is good to get going with (as a beginner) only if the wind conditions is rigth and once you start getting up on the board you won’t need it. The best solution is if you can borrow a big board a couple of times only, otherwise skip it.
    With your weight you could be really fast, try speed.

  • mackan7496

    16 juli, 2010 vid 11:45

    Hi Guy,

    good that you gave me the tips on the board purchasing. I just said NO to a Naish Sol 134×39,5 from 2008.
    Reading your reply I think I should go for a 40cm + width and make sure I get on the board with that asap, then we talk about smaller boards later on.
    Thanks for the tips, finally on Monday my Toro will arrive in Helsingborg so I´ll be out there soon.
    Have a nice weekend.


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