Senaste nytt Forums Vindsurfing Konfen Vindsurfing F2 256 wave -99

  • F2 256 wave -99

    Publicerad av anonym-anvandare på 6 oktober, 2002 vid 20:14

    Vill ha info om denna brädan
    Någon som kan tipsa om en bra sajt?
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    s svarade 22 år sedan 2 Medlemmar · 2 Svar
  • 2 Svar
  • anonym-anvandare

    6 oktober, 2002 vid 21:49

    om du inte loopar och dyligt, platta landningar, så håller den…men annars ska du nog passa dig lite;)

  • s

    7 oktober, 2002 vid 07:18

    Hej du

    Jag hittade tester på 2000 modellen. Jag tror dock att shapen är exakt lika på 99 och 2000. Men ring Surfcompaniet 031-7690202 och fråga Andreas – han vet. Han kanske tom. har gamla tester i någon tidning.

    Tyvärr testade de inte din strolek, men här är Wave 251.
    Hämtat från

    F2 Wave 251
    By staff
    Length: 245.6cm Volume: 73 L Weight: 14.25lbs.
    Included: Straps, pads, fin Price: $1,399

    Down-the-Line Sailor: Excellent for smaller sailors or high-wind wave sailing. For the bigger guys, it’s very low in volume so beware. Using the off-set strap loosens its ride, while the center strap is great for backside hits.

    Onshore Sailor: It’s too small and narrow for breaking out in conditions with strong current or big onshore waves or both. Smaller riders in windy onshore conditions will be more likely to make it. It’s too narrow in the tail to carry larger fins for pointing.

    Flat-Water Bump-and-Jump Sailor: Its size alone makes it difficult to loft high jumps on flat water, and it’s ultra-sensitive for footwork on tricks unless you’re light. It’s faster than a lot of wave boards though. If blasting around is what you’re looking for, you’re in the money.

    Comfort/High-Wind Control Sailor: Great choice!
    It’s small, narrow, low in volume and thin in the tail, but better for advanced to expert sailors. It has a lively ride, but in a good way. Very controllable, but still fast and responsive. It may feel twitchy for intermediate sailors learning to get in the foot straps.

    Minimalist: Lightweight sailors will have a larger range than the big guys. If your normal day is 5.0 or better and you don’t sail until it’s windy, the 251 is a great choice. It’s a great heavy-air board that rides like a custom shape, but is really durable.

    Comments: At 73 liters, the 251 rides great for lightweights. It’s loose, responsive and really durable both on the water and on the beach. It has a very custom-like ride, but heavier sailors get only a small range of conditions because of its low volume. The straps and pads are complimentary, but we found the nonskid a shade slick.


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