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  • Habo insanity

    Publicerad av qq-57 på 28 september, 2008 vid 15:52

    What the fuck is going on at Habo Ljung these days? I have never seen so much insane stuff happening in three hours…twice I got hit by a kite/lines from behind and tangled in lines, by guys who are learning to kite and obvi do not know how dangerous this sport is. My girlfriend was on the beach and almost got decapitated twice, people launched their kites and obvi had NO control over it and then sliced their lines through everything that was on the beach. And finally a guy launched his kite on the second spot up north, NO control at all, launched himself over the dam (a nice 15m jump), landed in nomansland with his kite being caught in the trees. Besides, I landed/launched about three kites that were inflated like a bag of chips.
    I don’t blame these guys, but since there is no police or anything else on the water, someone has to tell these guys to whether take lessons or just learn in less wind, or something really bad will be happening pretty soon. It is unreal how many people were out there today who had no clue at all what they are doing. I was only there for three hours and saw more crazy shit than in my eight months in Boston. I was in Boston the last eight months, and there is one spot close to downtown – a beautiful lagoon with butterflat water, and obvi a magnet for all these who want to learn to kiteboard. My buddies used to kite there for six years, and they kept the spot safe themselves. If a beginner shows up that just bought his kite off ebay and messes around with it, they tell him very politely to stop fooling around, take lessons and explain to him why and how this sport is very dangerous for themselves and others, and that the existence of this spot (Pleasure Bay) is in danger as well if bad things happen. Most people are very reasonable and understand the message, but those who don’t get a second, very distinct warning. If they still don’t get it, it takes one minute and their lines are cut or the fronttube has a big nice knife in it. Tough shit, but it keeps the spot alive.

    Bottom line, do something about it or I swear to god that something bad will happen very soon.

    Other than that, awesome day out there today, this is one of the best spots I ever kited in, gotta keep it safe!

    Just my two cents.

    skotten svarade 15 år, 8 månader sedan 9 Medlemmar · 15 Svar
  • 15 Svar
  • skotten

    28 september, 2008 vid 16:05

    you are totally spot on mate, there are too many idiots thinking they know it all on the beach just now. You are right about what Habo has become, its up to everyone to keep the beach safe. Locals included!.

    Shame you were not with us drinking beer last night man!!

  • qq-57

    28 september, 2008 vid 16:15

    @skotten 503271 wrote:

    Shame you were not with us drinking beer last night man!!

    Hear ya Bro, I’m always up for beers. You guys gonna be around tomorrow?

    Dude, Martin is rocking the shit these days! Saw some pics, that’s worth a big respect!

  • johanw

    28 september, 2008 vid 17:31

    i think i will be in habo after work.. nice to hve you back in sweden man!!

  • mjersen

    28 september, 2008 vid 18:14

    @QQ-57 503278 wrote:

    Hear ya Bro, I’m always up for beers. You guys gonna be around tomorrow?

    Dude, Martin is rocking the shit these days! Saw some pics, that’s worth a big respect!

    yo man! Ill see u on the water tomorrow!

  • johnk

    28 september, 2008 vid 18:27

    @QQ-57 503278 wrote:

    Hear ya Bro, I’m always up for beers. You guys gonna be around tomorrow?

    Dude, Martin is rocking the shit these days! Saw some pics, that’s worth a big respect!

    It was worth 1st price in the competition also! Congrats once again Martin. Those who stayed around and went to the club could witness Martin becoming 1st place undisputed Most Drunk Person In Varberg 2008 too 🙂

  • qq-57

    28 september, 2008 vid 18:46

    @johnk 503329 wrote:

    Martin becoming 1st place undisputed Most Drunk Person In Varberg 2008 too 🙂

    Well done bro!
    I’ll be out from maybe 12 until 17h, have to drive up to Stockholm in the evening. Hope to see you guys!

  • kasimir

    28 september, 2008 vid 20:36

    Hahahaha Habo Habo Habo?! Vad skall man säga? ord är överflödiga hahhaha

  • gh0st

    29 september, 2008 vid 08:02

    Hey Leo! Fucking awesome that u are back!
    I agree with you 100%, there have been talks about designating a certain begginers area and I think from next season it should be a reality.

  • skejtar_henke

    29 september, 2008 vid 08:40

    Måste motvilligt hållla med. Iågr var det high chapparall i habo. Det var som en skog med kites som inte gick att ta sig förbi. Trors att vi inte var så många ute så var det banne mig kaos.

    Men vädjan till nybörjare är att håll kiten lågt när ni går utåt. För det är ju så att man får gå i början. Det har vi all gjort. Men mitt bästa tips är håll den och lågt och lär dig hålla kite i en hand och lära sig att gå istället för att backa ut med kiten rakt upp. O man inte klarar detta tycker jag att man ska gå ut där man vet att här är jag mindre i vägen än mitt i all fall. Alla är givetvis välkommna men tror inte man är medveten om vad man gör.
    Många gånger har jag snällt påpekat detta och får rekationen. Jaha det hade jag inte en aning om vilket med är förfånde då man gått kurs.

    Lite tankar fårn min sida. Nån som håller med mig?

  • gogga

    29 september, 2008 vid 09:51

    @skejtar_henke 503479 wrote:

    Måste motvilligt hållla med. Iågr var det high chapparall i habo. Det var som en skog med kites som inte gick att ta sig förbi. Trors att vi inte var så många ute så var det banne mig kaos.

    Men vädjan till nybörjare är att håll kiten lågt när ni går utåt. För det är ju så att man får gå i början. Det har vi all gjort. Men mitt bästa tips är håll den och lågt och lär dig hålla kite i en hand och lära sig att gå istället för att backa ut med kiten rakt upp. O man inte klarar detta tycker jag att man ska gå ut där man vet att här är jag mindre i vägen än mitt i all fall. Alla är givetvis välkommna men tror inte man är medveten om vad man gör.
    Många gånger har jag snällt påpekat detta och får rekationen. Jaha det hade jag inte en aning om vilket med är förfånde då man gått kurs.

    Lite tankar fårn min sida. Nån som håller med mig?

    Henke, du är en klok man. Jag håller med dig!

  • gh0st

    29 september, 2008 vid 16:07

    Håller med 100%

  • johanw

    29 september, 2008 vid 17:17

    jag håller oxå me!!

  • skotten

    29 september, 2008 vid 17:35

    maybe put up some signs showing how people are expected to behave on the beach and water…

    like… noobies keep the kites low, Locals dont stand on the rigging area with their kites in the sky talking crap to one another?

  • qq-57

    29 september, 2008 vid 18:54

    @skotten 503606 wrote:

    maybe put up some signs showing how people are expected to behave on the beach and water…

    like… noobies keep the kites low, Locals dont stand on the rigging area with their kites in the sky talking crap to one another?

    Def agree that this is a good point to start with. And also address that kiting is fing dangerous and that beginners have to take lessons! I don’t really care about crowded spots, just take a few tacks out and I’m all alone anyways. But I do care if kites crash on me or decapitate my girlfriend on the beach, or if this awesome spot will be closed because some noobie crashed through the kiosk building like a human wrecking ball.
    Actually, today was a good example how dangerous this sport is, I changed the straps on my board, and as I stood back up my back ached like hell…now I’m walking around like a 80year old with a stick up his ass…hope I will be able to go out tomorrow :crazy: 😀

  • skotten

    29 september, 2008 vid 21:48

    yeah I twisted a sock badly on the weekend with a killer hangover…. I feel your pain man.

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