• svanvik

    13 februari, 2006 vid 12:20

    Hade gärna provat både segel och spott. Så läckert! Snacka om plattvatten. Var är det?

  • dr-masse

    13 februari, 2006 vid 12:37

    Sandy Point, Australien. Är jag rätt säker på.

  • the_novice

    13 februari, 2006 vid 13:29
    BUDDA wrote:
    Fins det någon här som testat dessa segel. ´Dom ser ju helt ok ut, pluss att dom har goda resultat på gps.speedsurfing. även priset ser ok ut…

    mvh budda
    nice 45 knop http://www.kasail.com.au/multimedia/tony_45knots.wmv

    Seglen verkar prisvärda men det gäller ju att ha rätt mast också!

  • jester

    13 februari, 2006 vid 14:31

    Japp, det är Sandy Point. Info om Tonys session:

    Name: Tony Wynhoven
    Sail number: AUS-180
    Sponsor(s): K.A. SAILS. F2. 4 WINDS MARINE
    Home spot: Australia, Point Henry, Victoria
    Height: 197 cm
    Weight: 107.0 kg
    Age: 40
    Session info
    Date: Monday, February 06, 2006
    Spot: Sandy Point, Victoria, Australia
    Board: F2 Missile II
    Sail: KA Sails Koncept 5.8
    Fin: Select Lightning Speed 22
    Average speed: 42.6 knots (43.9 43.1 42.2 42.0 41.6)
    Max. GPS (display): 45.1 knots
    Max. 2 sec. (software): 45.3 knots
    100 m run: 44.4 knots
    250 m run: 43.5 knots
    500 m run: 40.6 knots
    Nautical mile: 17.4 knots
    1 hour: 8.9 knots
    Distance: 39.9 km
    Windspeed: 30.0 knots
    Windgusts: 35.0 knots
    Remarks: Great session @ Sandy Point on the 5.8 koncept and missile II. It was the first time I had used the 5.8 after promising that I would reluctantly not use the 6.6 next time there was a good blow. Happy to say the 5.8 is as sweet as its bigger brother and the extra efficiency made the extra few knots. I had one great run to do a 45.3 max. I’m not sure if the wind picked up or the angle improved slightly, but I was certainly not overpwered or anywhere near the limit on this gear. I would love to have that angle/strength for a few hours to boost up the av’s. Did lots or runs around 44kn. After a few hours the tide was a bit high and the angle changed to around 105-110 and was much slower.
    Very happy with the day and the fact it was again done on ALL production gear. Rumours are that 45.3 max is a new aust. record but we’ll see what happens.
    Thankx to Mal for letting me try one his new fins. Unfortunately it was late in the day when times had slowed down. Very impresed with the feel and keen to try one on a big day.
    It is always a pleasure to sail with the Sandy Pt. crew.

    hope this makes sense as its 12.45 AM, just finished the 4.5 hr trip home and have work at 7.00am

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