Senaste nytt Forums Vindsurfing Slalom, Speed & Racing Longboards raket för familjen

  • Longboards raket för familjen

    Publicerad av swe-514 på 1 september, 2006 vid 15:12

    😀 Kona report in Gruissan Delfi wind (Långdistansslalom med 600 deltagare!)
    Author : Patrice [Exocet] ()
    Date : 6/2/2006 2:42:28 PM

    Last week end we had one of the most amasing long distance race in Gruissan, 8 races with wind from 15 up to 35 knots, 600 people at the start
    In the first race I managed to finish at a very good 15th place, this was quite a bit of luck because the wind was shiffting a lot and people had to tack while I managed to get around without tacking.Still the first impression was that guys on slalom board were not a lot faster than me, actually they really had to push hard to overtake the Kona.
    Back on the beach it was quite a shock for all of them…!
    In the other races the wind picked up to 30/35 knots the board was holding really good but a 12 minutes run surrounded by slalom boards was quite a challenge, still with a top speed at 32.6 knots it is clear that the board has a wide potential. the average speed on a run 12 minutes run was about 25/26 knots.
    of course I could not managed to make an other top 15th but I was quite constant betwen 50 and 60
    On the last day many sailors wanted to try the board and check by themself, some 68 kgs guys managed 27 knots on the reach.

    In conclusion my goal to race on the Kona was to bring confusion in the head of sailors. I think now it is done !!:confused2:
    Have a good sailing

    Post number : 2
    Author : windtiti (windtiti at
    Date : 6/5/2006 10:34:13 PM

    I was in the defi wind and what I saw that friday morning in race 2 has impressed me !!

    I was with the warpspeed,vmg5.4, 26 slalom fin, well powered in around 25-30 knots (should have taken the 6.0) and I was 150m behind Patrice at one mark and 50m behind at next one 11km after , and compare to others riders around me I was quite well , Patrice was more dowwind than me during the run so big surprise for me to see him again in front !!

    even if the rider is good , the performances of the kona seems to be nice, I’ve tried it the last day and , with 6.7 in 20 knots I’ve easily done 26.7 knots

    I will suruely buy one , not to go quicker than with the warpspeed(maybe I’m wrong…) but for fun with children and friends

    good R&D job for that board !!:cool2:

    swe-514 svarade 17 år, 11 månader sedan 1 Medlem · 0 Svar
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