Senaste nytt Forums Windsurf test på EVO 74!

  • Windsurf test på EVO 74!

    Publicerad av anonym-anvandare på 9 september, 2003 vid 08:24

    The Evo has been a much-publicised project from Starboard and for good reason; there has been little radical development within the wave board arena for many years. The Evo series of three models aims to take wave board design in a new direction. Ultra short and compact, it is the brainchild of Scott McKercher. With plenty of experience using the ‘Fish’ style of board and access to the powerful waves of Western Australia, McKercher evolved this new style of board for improved ease of use, together with increased wave-riding ability.

    Like all new concepts, the Evo created more interest on the beach than any other board on test. On the water, the 74 initially feels unusual to sail, although very easy at the same time. Familiarity soon sets in though and you become used to the new stance and feel. The more aggressive, fin-oriented riders commented that the small stubby tail and wide shoulders require more mast foot pressure than normal to keep the board tracking straight, yet this wasn’t a noticeable issue for most. Its length of just 233cm and little apparent nose rocker can make you wary of white water, until you learn to trust the board, for it never seems to catch. The Evo has 56cm of width, which is far more than the other boards in this class, giving very early planing, as well as stability at rest. When conditions become extreme, the hull feels as composed as any under power and as such the 74 has a huge sail range, from 4.0m to 5.7m. The hull seems to surf over the water as opposed to driving from the fin, giving complete security; yet it does restrict the drive needed to really push for a high top speed.

    Where the Evo really comes into its own however is on the wave. Very compact underfoot, it feels extremely loose. It has aggressive manoeuvrability that seems to come from the rocker line and outline as opposed the rail grip. It feels more like a surfboard in the turn, slicing through the water on rocker, rather than over the surface on rails and fin. It’s a curious feeling but the end product is devastating. The turn can be tight and violent or smooth, long and drawn out, but the speed never seems to decay. This gives you so much extra velocity to attack the top turn – it is truly revolutionary. It becomes even more effective in confused, underpowered, less than perfect conditions, where all but the best traditional boards will stall and stop without the most accurate of technique. This ability, coupled with the extra width, makes every top turn a real smack – elevating your riding standard by several levels immediately; suddenly you feel like a pro! It’s never been so easy to get aerials; the Evo completely takes you by surprise. It offers superhero wave-riding ability out of a can!

    With the stability and ease to carry large sails, coupled with its devastating riding ability, makes the 74 a ‘one only’ board for the widest range of conditions. Professional wave riding performance off the shelf, it will bring so much enjoyment to both intermediate and expert levels of wave riding alike. Highly recommended.

    ola-h svarade 21 år, 5 månader sedan 2 Medlemmar · 2 Svar
  • 2 Svar
  • ola-h

    10 september, 2003 vid 06:15

    Jag håller med Windsurf. För intresserade, se även

  • ola-h

    11 september, 2003 vid 12:43

    Acid 74 är också testad av Windsurf (se nedan), även den med verkligt fina resultat. Acid 74 är utvecklad från förra årets Acid 70. Den brädan gillade jag otroligt mycket. Speciellt är den, som Windsurf också påpekar, mycket lättseglad i den meninga att den känns helt naturlig direkt man ställer sig på den. Bra gång i chop och skär är också utmärkande.

    The Acid series has grown in popularity greatly over the last few years, as more and more people have become aware of just how good many of these shapes are. Under the constant development of Scotty McKercher and his fellow Aussie duo Ty and Luke, the Acids have evolved into a very competent board series, which emanates both ease of use and raw performance. Whilst also available in D-RAM construction, the 74 we are testing here is finished in Wood, which like last year is visible right through the deck, reinforced with Dyneema in the rails. The overall finish of the product is again impressive, with the non-twist footstraps and Drake fin adding to the quality of the package.

    On the water the Acid series seems to get better every year and this year sees no exception. What started as a curiosity amongst the wave sailing elite has now gained a great deal of acclaim amongst the highest standard of rider. The 74 is a very impressive board, universally liked amongst the team; from every standard and weight, it illustrates how versatile a board of 74 litres can be. Firstly it is extremely easy to sail, plug and play, as we call it. Every style of sailor feels very much at home from the first run out. It planes very early for a board this size, coping well with a wide sail range from the smallest right up to 5.5m. At the same time the Acid is extremely composed when overpowered or in aggressive chop. It continues to relay feedback to the rider without loosing its soft controllable nature, making it the kind of board that copes very well with changing conditions. The shape definitely feels more edgy and aggressive, being instant and direct when pushed, yet compared to last year’s hull it seems to have lost none of its ease. Fast, early planing and snappy enough for onshore, it is composed, efficient and aggressive enough for pure sideshore. With the addition of the Evo to the Starboard range, the Acid retains its identity as a fine example of a classic rail-to-rail wave board, offering one of the easiest, most comfortable and yet more potent performances on test.

    Easy, comfortable, practical and rewarding, the Acid 74 is capable of delivering the highest levels of performance in a very user-friendly package. A classic rail-to-rail feel for the traditional styles of wave riding, it was universally liked and comes highly recommended.

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