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  • sharkboy

    7 juli, 2008 vid 07:44 som svar på: Patetiska vågsurfare 😉

    det var efter det här inlägget som heter ‘patetiska vågsurfare” var skrivit…

  • sharkboy

    6 juli, 2008 vid 17:33 som svar på: Patetiska vågsurfare 😉

    hey kvabbso, I think you have some comprehension difficulties, if you look at the thread that started all of this. Before I got attacked by Hasse I was mostly just being informative, even if I was standing by an opposing view point

    read for yourself here:

    I don’t see where the bitching came in. Maybe it was after I was repeatedly misunderstood. Whereby you can see my critique of your collective arguments here:

    whereby I compare your collective mindsets to that of fundamentalists. Which was backed up rather well.

    You can see it as bitchin, just don’t call me hajpojken, it’s mr. Sharkboy to you.

  • sharkboy

    4 juli, 2008 vid 18:00 som svar på: The Rules


  • sharkboy

    3 juli, 2008 vid 21:07 som svar på: Patetiska vågsurfare 😉

    well you wrote Patetiska Vågsurfare in the title of this and put a link to a thread where I had written and stated my opinion. And then called me pathetic before trying to make fun of me for working at a skateshop (which I don’t)and thinking spots should be secret (which I don’t necessarily either but felt that I could argue why that attitude should be respected)

    So yeah, I would say that you were trying to make a mockery out of me. But thanks for the answer about the boardies, I thought it must have some more significant use than that though

  • sharkboy

    3 juli, 2008 vid 20:57 som svar på: Patetiska vågsurfare 😉

    yeah actually, have nothing against kiting, just saw that Haze was trying to make me look like an idiot without arguing what I was trying to say. I found it offensive.

    My apologies to the kiting world, but honestly, does the boardies on the outside of the wetsuit help with anything? Like the harness?

  • sharkboy

    3 juli, 2008 vid 20:33 som svar på: Patetiska vågsurfare 😉

    @jonaish 479922 wrote:

    if it not fit you that kite/wind & wavesurfers are together in skoneland… you can stay home sharkgay!

    the boardies over our wetsuits, is for protect us from wavesurfers with HIV (like you i think, hihiiii)!! :ooo:

    where did I say that it didn’t fit me? where? don’t assume so much because it makes an ASS out of U an ME.

    For the record, don’t call someone gay if you have boardshorts over your wetsuits

  • sharkboy

    3 juli, 2008 vid 20:30 som svar på: Patetiska vågsurfare 😉

    strange or not strange, it’s true.

    Just because something is strange doesn’t make it false.

    I think that it is strange that our planet revolves around a huge fiery ball that is in the center of our solar system but it doesn’t make it false.

    There aren’t alot of waves in sweden, so when there are waves quite a few people want to surf. Many spots only work on certain conditions and waves don’t always come in that often. Some spots can handle 30 people no problem, some spots are crowded with 10 people.

    I have no problem with a crowd per se but when you haven’t surfed in about 3 months and then finally there are waves but they are ruined by people who either don’t know the etiquette or do know but don’t respect it, your tolerance can get low. It’s like that with any natural resource.

    YOu and I can have a fika over a cup coffee with some kanelbullar, but if we were starving and that was the only food we’d seen in a while, we’d probably take each other eyes out for them. See what I mean?

    No one that I know have has ever claimed ownership to a break either, that is a crazy misconception. Anyone is welcome to surf any break they feel like, no one wrote that in that thread either.

    But if someone knows where a break might be, they might not feel for inviting the whole world via the internet over to it.

    I’ll put it like this, if you had a parking spot that you know you could always park for free at in the middle of a big town, would you put it out on the internet so that it would never be available for you?

  • sharkboy

    3 juli, 2008 vid 20:18 som svar på: Patetiska vågsurfare 😉

    it’s funny that you kitesurfers would write about something you know nothing about?

    We ride waves that come in sets and break at a specific place. Does wind come in sets?

    BTW, why do you guys wear boardies over your wetsuits? what are you hiding?

  • sharkboy

    24 juni, 2008 vid 05:03 som svar på: Surf träning! Nästa steg för surf sverige<======<===<==<=<<<

    @styret 477047 wrote:

    men chucky.
    har för mej att tex Freddie Meadows, vår grymme svenska surfare har haft tränare. Tror dessutom att de flesta av världens toppsurfare har tränare och coacher för att hålla dom kvar på toppen.

    kanske freddie meadows har haft det men det stämmer inte för de andra. Ett extrem fåtal har caddies, men nästan aldrig coachar. Och dem som coachar, coachar ofta i tävlingstaktik och inte i själva surf technique

  • sharkboy

    20 maj, 2008 vid 14:07 som svar på: Surf butik i Danmark
  • sharkboy

    25 mars, 2008 vid 14:48 som svar på: one-footed floaters

    glassigt jobb, i’d call them 1foot floaters, no one says flytare.

  • sharkboy

    6 februari, 2008 vid 16:53 som svar på: Kickflip

    then I guess this one was closer:

  • sharkboy

    6 februari, 2008 vid 13:32 som svar på: Kickflip

    and this one is from 93 and on a LONGBOARD!!!!

  • sharkboy

    6 februari, 2008 vid 13:31 som svar på: Kickflip

    I bet Bryant does one first

  • sharkboy

    21 november, 2007 vid 21:08 som svar på: Vågsurfa med torrdräkt?
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