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  • tomek

    8 mars, 2015 vid 18:13 som svar på: Halv-mast-tråden: Bli av med din halva mast!


    How much would you like for this mast bottom part?

    Could you measure the diameter and length of the part that goes into the top part of the mast, so I know it would fit mine?

  • tomek

    19 december, 2014 vid 10:06 som svar på: Halv-mast-tråden: Bli av med din halva mast!

    @Pontus Lofgren 727786 wrote:

    Söker en överdel till en Tecno Limits ESlim 75% Carbon RDM 430 Mast, någon som har det?

    I have a top from a Techno Limits RDM 400cm 100%. We can meet in Habo and see if it fits if you are interested. You would get a softer top and need more extension, but it might work well especially if you are light or for smaller sails (that you do not use a lot of extension on the 430 mast).

  • tomek

    19 december, 2014 vid 10:03 som svar på: Halv-mast-tråden: Bli av med din halva mast!

    I have a top from a Techno Limits RDM 400cm 100%. We can meet in Habo and see if it fits if you are interested. You would get a softer top and need more extension, but it might work well especially if you are light or for smaller sails (that you do not use a lot of extension on the 430 mast).

  • tomek

    28 april, 2012 vid 18:58 som svar på: Gislövshammer Söndag

    Hi, I want to go to Gilsov tomorrow as well, could somebody paste a map link, I am new in Skane and don’t know where exactly is the spot.
    And what about Borrby? is this basically the same place?


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