Senaste nytt Forums Vindsurfing Konfen Vindsurfing ALOHA CLASSIC UPDATES

  • anonym-anvandare

    12 november, 2004 vid 05:38

    More updates of DAY3 – same link as above

  • mag

    12 november, 2004 vid 07:11

    Bringdal vann Masters. I småvågor tyvärr. Han är ju annars bäst i stora höghus!

  • dala

    12 november, 2004 vid 09:46

    The men’s masters saw well known sailors competing and putting on a great show. Putting on an amazing show on the waves was the hulking Anders Bringdal from Sweden who made it looks like the waves were bigger than they were and the wind stronger than it was. His aggressive style really threw him into the front of the pack by throwing massively tweaked aerials off the lip. It was clear that he still had the champion windsurfer within. Not to be out done Alex Aguera was clearly attacking at each opportunity with nice forward loops and smooth back loops. Anders at one point threw quite a stop action stalled forward loop that had the crowd rising to its feet. Bringdal ended on top, ahead of Maui resident Alex Aguera, Australian Luke Hargreaves and Yasuhito Ogasawara from Japan.


  • markram

    12 november, 2004 vid 15:45

    Finns det inga video-upptagningar från detta?

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