Senaste nytt Forums Vågsurfing Surf near Malmö

  • semivaken

    22 mars, 2005 vid 19:21

    Well, you can always go to Copenhagen, here is a couple of surfshops. One of them is getting an O´Neill shipment in two weeks or so. There´s also a surfshop in Helsingør which is supposed to be pretty good (quicksilver, rip curl). Don´t know much about waves around malmø, but go to and ask in their forum. You´ll probably get some angry replies, but there´s usually some good ones as well…
    Here the link to the shop in helsingør…

  • anonym-anvandare

    23 mars, 2005 vid 12:22

    Don’t always have everything in the shop since it’s very small – but she orders what you need. Send an email an ask… She can probably give you tips about spots too, but try Vik, Mölle, Kåseberga…

  • anonym-anvandare

    24 mars, 2005 vid 23:54


    The Surfshop,they got Quick,Billa,Rip etc and some boards.

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