Senaste nytt Forums Vindsurfing Konfen Vindsurfing Vindprognoser för franska-rivieran så här års???

  • Vindprognoser för franska-rivieran så här års???

    Publicerad av hardtop_66 på 10 februari, 2002 vid 21:11

    Nogon som vet om det brukar blåsa bra på franska rivieran på denne tiden av året. Skal ned mellom Nice och Marseilles under vecka 8 och funderer på att slänga brädan på taket vid sidan om telemarkskidorna. Tips om goda surfspots i regionen mottages också
    // Hardtop_66

    anonym-anvandare svarade 22 år, 3 månader sedan 2 Medlemmar · 3 Svar
  • 3 Svar
  • anonym-anvandare

    11 februari, 2002 vid 07:57


    Have a look at the following link:

    It is in French, but you will have a good description of most of the spots on the Mediterranean Sea.

    This part of France is extremely windy each time there is some bad weather travelling from West to East over France. You will get a very strong N-NW wind called “Mistral”. It is due to the fact that the cold air carried by the low pressure system cannot pass over the Alps, and therefore flows down towards the Mediterranean Sea. Usually, you get this wind for 2-5 days in a row, with an average wind of 25m/s!!! What is nice also is that the sky usually clears up rapidly due to this strong wind…

    So, yes, take your WS equipment with you.

    Best winds


  • hardtop_66

    11 februari, 2002 vid 11:13

    Thank you Christophe!
    Isn’t it a little early for the Mistal? Sounds like I neeed to bring along my stuff. Do you know of any good all year renatalplaces.? I went in june last year, but it was somehow “to early in the season” for rentals at the places I checked out. I’d prefere not having my board on the roof as I “fly” down the autobahn. I know there is a Mistral place in Hyères, just east of Toulon but I don’t know many others. Are you familiar with any?

  • anonym-anvandare

    11 februari, 2002 vid 13:07


    Well, if the weather is like it is now in France, it is very mild, and there are a lot of low pressure systems travelling west to east. So it looks rather promising. But you are right: if you get some cold and stable weather, then no Mistral-Tramontane.

    You can have a look at some statictics at:

    (where the wind is given in Beaufort)

    February is not bad at all!

    Unfortunately, I do not know any rental place which is open that early i.e., in February. It is still a little bit cold for the French (but almost summer for the Swedes!!!). Sorry…

    Enjoy your trip there!

    Best winds


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