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  • Bali Windsurfing Challange

    Publicerad av petter på 9 november, 1999 vid 07:57

    Inte för att jag såg något av Balis kraftiga vindar men tydligen så ska det finnas där någonstans
    och vågorna är ju fina så har ni vägarna förbi i slutet av Januari så kan detta kanske vara av intresse:

    This event is in its first year and offer new challenges for the new millennium.
    Presented by Neil Pryde, the world’s largest sail maker and organized by the
    biggest windsurfing center in Bali, Blue Oasis Beach Club, Aerowisata challenge
    you to combine the force of the monsoon winds with the power of the world
    famous Bali Waves.

    The competition will consist of both high-speed actions in a Down-Wind
    Slalom race in dead-flat water and an area where you will be able to show
    your best tricks right in front of the public on the beach!

    If the wind does not cooperate NO PROBLEM, Bali still has heaps to offer,
    and we will take you to discover some of the most famous surfing spot
    in the island just minutes away.

    Tue 25 : Arrival Aerowisata Challenge participants
    Wed 26 : Rafting team Competition from Sobek,
    registration and evening welcome reception
    Thu 27 : Official Opening, racing start, dinner at Peppers
    Latino Grill & Bar, late night party at Paddys
    Fri 28 : Racing, dinner & party at the new Bounty Ship
    Sat 29 : Racing, price giving & farewell party at
    Waterboom Park & Spa
    Sun 30 : Departure

    SLALOM : Open, Women, Masters and Rookie
    FREE STYLE : Best Trick

    SLALOM 1* 2* 3* 4*
    OPEN US$ 800 US$ 400 US$ 200 US$ 100
    TRICK US$ 300 US$ 200 US$ 100

    P.O. BOX 3279 Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia
    Tel. 0361-288011 Fax. 0361-288106
    Web: /

    petter svarade 24 år, 6 månader sedan 1 Medlem · 0 Svar
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