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  • Ocean Rodeo Gear (Drysuit Soul)

    Publicerad av thomasroos på 28 februari, 2014 vid 16:28

    Hejhej Swedish kitesurfers,

    I’m from the Netherlands and when I moved to Sweden I bought a drysuit at,. It’s the Ocean Rodeo Soul drysuit. Since I enjoy using it so much and I didnt’ see many more kitersurfers on the water, I wanted to share it with you. This is the first time I’m surfing all winter long and it feels really good to go out on the water when others think it’s too cold, haha! Here are some photos that my brother took two weeks ago. The owner of the shop said he has some of the suits left and that he also ships to Sweden.



    mattsson svarade 10 år, 2 månader sedan 2 Medlemmar · 1 Svar
  • 1 Svar

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