Senaste nytt Forums Vindsurfing Slalom, Speed & Racing Martin skriver i sin senaste session

  • oscar

    22 mars, 2008 vid 14:29
  • Oregistrerad

    22 mars, 2008 vid 14:51

    Inte helt oväntat!
    Prolimit är trots allt bara ett lågprismärke, speciellt om man ser på fenor.
    Hoppas folk inte köpt på sig för många denna skitfena.
    Nu hoppas väl alla på C3/boogie produktions fenor.

  • Oregistrerad

    24 mars, 2008 vid 17:09

    inte helt oväntat!

    hi guys,

    all i can say for now is that i have stopped working with Prolimit a few months ago and that the fins linked to above are not genuine Boogie/C3 approved fins and certainly not custom fins.
    i was quite surprised to see the Prolimit website behind the link myself and didn’t know about it before.

    the designs of those fins are from the very early proto fins we made together with Prolimit and have been through several development stages since then as they had obvious flaws.
    NOT ONE of the proto fins i have received were ever made by a CNC machine, but cheap chinese hand shaped fins that were so far off my design specs that i would never give my approval…

    the samples martin is talking about in the post above are from a different manufacturer and look quite different too. we are going to release them very soon under or own label and NOT together with Prolimit.

    as soon as they are available you will hear about them.


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