Senaste nytt Forums Vindsurfing Konfen Vindsurfing PWA – Sylt…hårigt värre!

  • koa

    6 oktober, 2008 vid 17:24

    Glamour segling…
    Foto JC

  • calle

    6 oktober, 2008 vid 17:25

    Hmm, Calle kan inte du bli PWA’s fotograf. Dom skulle behöva lite Koa touch på sina filmer 🙂

    / Calle

  • kiters_se

    6 oktober, 2008 vid 20:48

    @Koa 505885 wrote:

    Håll i hatten!
    “07.42 Current conditions: The wind is absolutely howling, side shore. Stay tuned….Wind gusting up to 45 knots from the south, head/logo high dumping waves as far as the eye can see.”
    “The sailors are totally overpowered on 3.0m-3.5m sails.”

    Dag 10 final;

    Sjuk dubbel loop!


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Senaste nytt Forums Vindsurfing Konfen Vindsurfing PWA – Sylt…hårigt värre!

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