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  • dr-masse

    10 november, 2010 vid 12:13

    Oh, grymt! Var ju lite si och så (milt uttryckt) med mobilmottagning och internet där sist, kanske bättre nu? Hoppas!

  • basse

    11 november, 2010 vid 13:27

    Kul att Kenneth Danielsen är med.

  • v-thun

    15 november, 2010 vid 13:50

    funkar jue inte:(

  • basse

    16 november, 2010 vid 09:51

    Ligger de två timmar efter oss eller?

  • dr-masse

    16 november, 2010 vid 09:53
  • basse

    17 november, 2010 vid 08:30

    Hoppas Punta levererar idag. Bilderna på PWA från gårdagens lek var ju trevliga!

  • basse

    17 november, 2010 vid 11:55

    Nu verkar de dra igång på Ponta!

  • dr-masse

    17 november, 2010 vid 12:54

    Japp, nu åks det! Dock i Curral Jaoul, så inge webcast – snyft! Men kanske PP senare idag….

    Kul för Voget att få möta Angulo direkt i typiska Kap Verde förhållanden…

    från PWAs LiveTicker:

    11.45 Angulo leads with 3 good waves ahead of Voget’s one, 15 minutes to go still.

    11.30 Traversa goes through to the next round with much higher scores having ridden more waves to a higher standard. Angulo vs Voget next!

    11.15 Traversa leads with 3 higher scoring waves than Sorlut’s one wave.

    11.05 Both saillors have one wave each with Traversa leading so far, but plenty of time left in this 30 minute heat.

    10.57 Heat 1 has begun

    10.50 Conditions are looking better and competition is about to start, Sorlut vs Traversa is the frst heat.

    10.30 Everyone is on station at Curral Jaoul now and we expect the contest to start soon with man on man heats of a fairly long duration. The wind is quite light,but when the set waves come through they are perfect! Polakow is just launching cat-like of the rocks to join Boujmaa for a warm up session.

    09.50 Philip Koster and Boujma Guilloul are making the most of the light breeze and occasional set waves at Curral Jaoul. If the wind builds, it looks like competition could be on!

    09:00 The PWA is about to hit the road to Curral Jaoul where a wave has been reported. There are rumours that Ponta Preta may start to break this afternoon, so hopefully the contest will begin somewhere on the island today.

    Unfortunately there’s no power, let alone internet connection at Curral Jaoul, so we’ll try to keep you updated as best we can. If we head back to Ponta Preta, there will be regular updates.

    08:00 Welcome to day three of the 2010 PWA Cabo Verde World Cup. Head judge, Duncan Coombs has been to check out all of the spots on the island, and he thinks the best conditions will be at Curral Jaoul today. The competitors have been told to head over there for the next announcement at 10:00.

  • basse

    17 november, 2010 vid 13:06

    Ahh… så långt ner orkade jag inte läsa.
    Verkar som att det inte är så mycket vind….

    dr Masse;639867 wrote:
    Japp, nu åks det! Dock i Curral Jaoul, så inge webcast – snyft! Men kanske PP senare idag….

    Kul för Voget att få möta Angulo direkt i typiska Kap Verde förhållanden…

    från PWAs LiveTicker:

    11.45 Angulo leads with 3 good waves ahead of Voget’s one, 15 minutes to go still.

    11.30 Traversa goes through to the next round with much higher scores having ridden more waves to a higher standard. Angulo vs Voget next!

    11.15 Traversa leads with 3 higher scoring waves than Sorlut’s one wave.

    11.05 Both saillors have one wave each with Traversa leading so far, but plenty of time left in this 30 minute heat.

    10.57 Heat 1 has begun

    10.50 Conditions are looking better and competition is about to start, Sorlut vs Traversa is the frst heat.

    10.30 Everyone is on station at Curral Jaoul now and we expect the contest to start soon with man on man heats of a fairly long duration. The wind is quite light,but when the set waves come through they are perfect! Polakow is just launching cat-like of the rocks to join Boujmaa for a warm up session.

    09.50 Philip Koster and Boujma Guilloul are making the most of the light breeze and occasional set waves at Curral Jaoul. If the wind builds, it looks like competition could be on!

    09:00 The PWA is about to hit the road to Curral Jaoul where a wave has been reported. There are rumours that Ponta Preta may start to break this afternoon, so hopefully the contest will begin somewhere on the island today.

    Unfortunately there’s no power, let alone internet connection at Curral Jaoul, so we’ll try to keep you updated as best we can. If we head back to Ponta Preta, there will be regular updates.

    08:00 Welcome to day three of the 2010 PWA Cabo Verde World Cup. Head judge, Duncan Coombs has been to check out all of the spots on the island, and he thinks the best conditions will be at Curral Jaoul today. The competitors have been told to head over there for the next announcement at 10:00.

  • poppo

    17 november, 2010 vid 15:54

    kaulis brädor ser lite freaky ut:


  • dr-masse

    17 november, 2010 vid 19:06

    Jag tror det står i hans kontrakt:

    §1 Always carry freaky looking boards to Cape Verde
    §2 Whatever everyone else is riding you cannot ride
    §3 Whenever possible – wear speedos

  • dr-masse

    17 november, 2010 vid 19:11

    Fast det väl som är riktigt förvånande är när man kollar in Josh Angulos fenbestyckning… två fenor, jisses!!!


  • dala-lama

    20 november, 2010 vid 09:12

    Kan bli körning på Punta Preta idag!
    Har live streamingen funkat tidigare under veckan eller är det tickern som gäller?

  • dr-masse

    20 november, 2010 vid 10:05

    Ingen streaming har testats eftersom de bara kört i Curral Jaoul = ingen ström eller internet. LiveTickern på PWA har uppdaterats via sms läste jag häromdagen.

    Hoppas det funkar, vore grymt med videoström från PP!

  • enkan

    23 november, 2010 vid 18:30


    känns som en bommkörning…


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