Senaste nytt Forums Kitesurfing Konfen Kitesurfing Vem blir först? (pryl)

  • skotten

    28 april, 2007 vid 00:25

    ahh very nice, good find!…

  • pjoter

    28 april, 2007 vid 08:06

    helt ok pris också.

    kanske får skaffa en sån framåt sommaren.

  • mat

    28 april, 2007 vid 08:19

    Vad kostar den?

  • celestial

    28 april, 2007 vid 08:22

    I artikeln står det 1500 pix…Det är fan inte mycket.

    Undra bara om det blir bra kvalle på filmsekvenserna bara?

    Finns på Ebay för den som e intereserad

  • henkeman70

    28 april, 2007 vid 08:26

    Den kostar c:a 1500 säger artikeln. Billigt ju!

  • ill-k

    28 april, 2007 vid 09:01

    i artikeln står det juh 640×480 pixlar. så jag antar att det är som att spela in med mobil av senare modell. det är väll vga kvalitet om jag inte fattat det fel 😛

  • falle

    28 april, 2007 vid 09:21

    @nic 379829 wrote:


    Jag har beställt! 🙂

  • nic

    28 april, 2007 vid 09:26

    @Falle 379877 wrote:

    Jag har beställt! 🙂

    Då vann du 🙂

    Kvaliten blir nog liknande andra lösningar som kostar mycket mer och dessutom måste kopplas till kamera med dv-in. Även de har max 640×480.


  • ill-k

    28 april, 2007 vid 10:07

    fanns en hel det test filmer på youtube….här är en iaf:

  • walle

    28 april, 2007 vid 12:06

    ska ha!

    ordna mig en länk till inköpsstället, orkar inte leta…

  • kitemaster

    28 april, 2007 vid 12:15

    Jag tror det hänger mer på tekniken i kameran, en vanlig DV-kamera har ju “bara” upplösning 720*576, men filmen blir ruggigt mycket bättre kvalitet än vga-standard (mobilkamera).

    Att lägga upp sin testfilm på YouTube för att demonstrera kvaliteten är väl kanske inte det skarpaste draget, då YouTube downsamplar och kodar om alla filer som läggs upp för att ta så lite utrymme som möjligt…

    Jag kan tänka mig att detta är som att tejpa fast sin vattentäta kameramobil på hjälmen…

    Jag har förut gått på en sådan här mina, där man stirrar sig blind på upplösning och yttermått. Antagligen måste det vara väldigt ljust när kameran används också, då den har mycket liten lins att ta in ljus med.

    Fast vad vet jag? Jag har inte sett kameran på riktigt.

    Lägg gärna upp en rå testfilm på servern när du provat Falle!


  • nic

    28 april, 2007 vid 15:09

    Här är en bra review

    Finns även en kort snutt på en råfil och tipset att köpa rätt sdminne för bästa kvalla. Den tar ju 30fps, inte illa.


  • wakenils

    28 april, 2007 vid 15:31

    Var en tråd med den kameran i vindsurfingforumet innan jul, var riktigt sugen att handla då men efter att kollat på massa filmklipp som finns på nätet så verkar den ha problem när man tittar upp mot himlen, dvs när ljusmängden ändras, det blir mörkt då. Men som sagt youtube återspeglar ju inte så bra tror dock jag kollade på andra filmer också.
    Tänkte att om man snurrar o har sig så skulle det bli rätt dålig kvalité sen är den väl inte specad som vattentät utan bara vattentålig trots att de själva säger att den ska tåla att man är under vatten.

    Sen så såldes den bara inom usa när jag kollade om man skulle få ett bra pris

  • jonasm

    28 april, 2007 vid 17:02

    Köptes i januari!

    Har testat den vid skidåkning i Engelberg i vinter…fungerar sådär tyvärr. Det är svårt att få bilden rak när den sitter på hjälmen. Så det blir lätt bara snö eller bara himmel på inspelningen…

    Ska prova om att kita med den. Tänkte testa att tjepa fast på leading egde.

  • theantipimper

    29 april, 2007 vid 10:08

    Grattis 😀

    1 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
    stars-2-0._V47081858_.gif Good in theory, January 11, 2007
    Reviewer:E. Lambden “piggiep” (bay area, CA) – See all my reviews
    c7y_badge_rn_1._V47060296_.gif I bought this cam for my boyfriend as he’s active mntn biking and snowbording. My initial though was that it was too good to be true that it was wireless and reasonably priced. However after he took it out to try it at Downieville and the batteries weren’t strong enough to power the device for very long, I realized that there was a good reason that it was as reasonable as it was. Disapointing really, as by the time I get him a powerful enough one to take decent clips all the snow will prob. be gone!

    comment-sm._V47082363_.gif Comment (1) | Was this review helpful to you? (Report this)

    transp._V42753713_.gif 4 of 5 people found the following review helpful:
    stars-1-0._V47060502_.gif Even for $100 this sucks, January 3, 2007
    Reviewer:Benjamin HealySee all my reviews
    c7y_badge_rn_1._V47060296_.gif I almost feel like filing a report with the better business bureau I’m so incensed over this product. See the packaging and description? “Great for Snowboarders, Skateboarding and More” – what a total farce. Any impacts that impart a reasonable amount of force for these sports causes the camera to corrupt the memory it was writing, only formatting the card will retrieve the lost memory. If you’re know how to scrape memory for ‘lost’ items, it’s a little better, but knowing this and where to find the tools to reconstruct AVI indicies should not be a pre-requisite for using a helmet camera.
    The shock tolerance aside, this camera still doesn’t live up to the money you pay. The video quality is that of the $20 key chain camera you can buy at Wal-Mart…which is not saying anything positive about the key chain camera. When I ordered this, I was expecting grainy video on par with a mid range webcam (something in the $30 range, only now portable and ‘durable’), I expected it to be able to handle short stints under water (as it would be frequently mounted to my jet ski), and I expected it to be able to take the impact of me falling off my bike (considering that I want entertaining action shots, I don’t think it’s too much to ask to continue to get the action when I fall). I have yet to test the waterproofability (I like imaginary words sometimes) of the camera, but sadly, even if you hard mount the camera and duct tape it down, the background still suffers from the ‘wobble’ effect that many have noted; and as I have mentioned, even modest taps to the camera cause the video to corrupt and the file to be listed as 0kb.
    So, if you’re looking for a secondary camera to have in the car during an auto-cross race, these work well. If you’re looking for a camera to catch the action of the sports the camera touts as its staple use, look elsewhere. If you want a fully self contained helmet camera, wait for the ATC-3000…then read those reviews. Things I would recommend to OS for the next revision:
    1. Fix the wobble. Seriously, if you have to, just rip the camera sensor out of a Logitech webcam, this improvement alone would double, nay triple the value of the camera to anyone using it.
    2. SHOCK resistance! If you’re planning on people using these in sports, they need to be able to take at least a decent hit. Drop it from a good 10ft, if it can’t handle this, it’s not going to handle a full speed run into a wall from a guy trying to do some bike trick…and they’re going to want to see that hit first hand!
    3. Batteries. Not mentioned in the review, the batteries are a bit much, two AA batteries provide you with more recording time than you can fit on two 4GB cards at the highest recording setting, using 1 AA battery, you could probably get a good 2-3 hours of recording time. If I need more, I’ll carry the other AA’s in my pocket.
    4. Water resistance ambiguity. It’s either water proof or it isn’t, your site says yes, your packaging says yes…your manual says no…your demonstration video is of someone going down a water slide into a pool. Who screwed up on the manual writing?

    I’d also like to see it have 60fps so I can do half speed video with no drop in smoothness, but at such a low price point, that’s just a request for extras, not something that makes/breaks this product. The numbered items are a MUST before I will buy from you again!

    comment-sm._V47082363_.gif Comment | Was this review helpful to you? (Report this)

    transp._V42753713_.gif 6 of 7 people found the following review helpful:
    stars-1-0._V47060502_.gif Dissapointing, December 25, 2006
    Reviewer:Mathias Abramovic (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) – See all my reviews
    c7y_badge_rn_1._V47060296_.gif Got it from HRM USA, Inc. It arrived on time. No complaints about the seller or the shipping.

    However, once I got it home and did some shooting I got very dissapointed with the video quality. Although Oregon Scientific states that it makes 640×480@30fps videos, it is hard to believe that you actually have a 30fps video. It looks like 15fps!

    I was planning to make some footage of my parachute jumps and replace my Sony DSC P-100, which makes some really good video (smooth 640×480@30fps) for an old and small camera, but is not rugged enough to do it frequently. I think I’ll keep jumping with the Sony, though.

    The audio quality is also poor but as far as I am concerned I don’t care for audio. Parachute jumps are full of wind noise anyway.

    I think that I’ll attach the ATC2000 to the outside of the plane. Maybe I can get some good footage that otherwise I would not because I don’t have the courage to put my Sony DSC there. If it falls or gets hit by something it’s ok. Otherwise it would just stand in a drawer getting dust.

    Maybe good for kids but not for anyone who cares about minimum image quality.

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