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  • oceaniasport

    30 mars, 2023 vid 15:29 som svar på: Vinterhandskar

    Thanks to Steffo for opening a discussion about our gloves and to the guys on the forum for giving us the opportunity to respond. It seems strange to you but we agree with Sailortrash. If you use nitrile gloves (Red Fish) without a silicone cuff, you will be cold because they have poor thermal insulation, and the glove tends to slip on your hand because the fiber cuff does not tighten enough. But things change with the silicone cuff. The silicone cuff creates good thermal insulation, as there is no hand heat dispersion. It also creates a hot spot in the wrist (more with wet suits than with dry suits) which helps the hand to warm up. Furthermore, the cuff allows the glove not to slip when gripped and does not let water enter. The cuff is designed not to squeeze the forearm (it has the same pressure with both thick forearm and thin forearm). The grip is secure.
    Temperatures: it depends on the sporting activity but under 6.7 you need the underglove.

    It all sounds great but we want to specify one thing. Oceania gloves are sports performance gloves because they have a particular procedure for putting on and taking off (talcum powder), therefore for activities in which a frequency of taking off / putting on is required, it is not good to use them. There would be so much more to say but we hope we have given some useful indications.

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