Senaste nytt Forums Vindsurfing Slalom, Speed & Racing Do I need a size between 7,1 and 8,5 ??

  • gregerkj

    22 januari, 2014 vid 12:03

    The more boards and sails you have sails Its gets even harder choosing the right eqipment
    for current conditions.

    2014 Lancelin Ocean Classic Marathon Results:

    1. Steve Allen (iSonic 117)
    2. Isaac Devries (iSonic 130)
    3. Peter Volwater (iSonic 107)
    4. Jesper Orth (iSonic 117)
    5. Björn Dunkerbeck (iSonic 130)
    6. Daniel Engdahl (iSonic 117)
    8. Leo Sharpe (iSonic 117)
    9. Jonah Desforges (iSonic 107)
    13. Shane O’Neill (iSonic 117)
    14. Matt Holder (iSonic 107)
    16. Scott McKercher (Futura 111)
    17. Ash Nicol (iSonic 101)
    19. Philip Köster (iSonic 110)

  • bicless

    24 januari, 2014 vid 07:51

    Conclusion: As long as you have an Isonic the size do not matter any longer 🙂
    I just had my Isonic 117, will be interesting to see if it is true.

  • the_novice

    24 januari, 2014 vid 12:41

    The more equipment I have, the less hesitation I have on the beach on what gear to take. If you have a sail range that is very close, it doesn’t matter so much what you grab, or if the wind changes a little. You will always be more or less okey anyway.

    If you have a minimum quiver on the other hand, you may encounter winds that are right in-between two sail choices though…

    But I don’t think you will a size between 7.1 and 8.5. It is better to learn how to extend the range of each sail. Modern sails with wide luff sleave have a broader range than older sails did, but it requires and adjustable outhaul and a nice set of different fins to be able to use it.

  • kapten-k

    24 januari, 2014 vid 18:13

    +1 The_ novice Still.. i really miss a 8.6 sometimes

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