Senaste nytt Forums Vindsurfing Konfen Vindsurfing Följ med till clinic på Maui

  • Följ med till clinic på Maui

    Publicerad av sinker på 4 februari, 2010 vid 12:13

    Jag är på väg till en clinic på Maui med Guy Cribb 10-24 april. Det finns 2-3 platser kvar. Det är inte gratis direkt men det slår lätt alternativet som är att stanna hemma eller att resa ensam.

    “Maui, Hawaii- did you ever think your dreams of going to Maui could be realised? I have tailor made this trip to offer you the very ultimate windsurfing experience of all time- nothing is comparable. It’s inaugural course in 2008 was with out doubt the best windsurfing course ever held in the history of windsurfing- we sailed double mast high waves safely, we ripped at Hookipa with legends like Robby Naish and Bjorn Dunkerbeck, we had private windsurfing jump session with the double forward looping hero Marcillo Browne, a private yoga session and morning with Fransisco Goya, a private tour of the world’s top board shapers factory with Nik Baker, we sailed with and met Kauli Seadi, Josh Angulo, Ricardo Campello and Josh Stone to name just a few. We stayed in the best location and sailed the very best spots scoring perfect conditions throughout. If you want to be totally immersed into the ultimate windsurfing playground surrounded by all the windsurfing legends in action, this is the only clinic in the world that offers you this opportunity. We hit Maui at THE best time of year to combine great wind stats and the last good swells of the winter, in town at exactly the same time of year as all the leading brands photo shoots to ensure the world’s very best windsurfers are all on the water. If you’ve dreamt of going to Maui, this is the only trip to consider- crammed with windsurfing extremes and uber experiences”

    Price £2135 (based on current XR) approx US$3560 including-

    -Two weeks of non stop INtuition coaching from Guy Cribb and a few guest appearances of uber pro sailors- sailing all the right spots at the right time to ensure your safety, boost your confidence and skills, and score the ultimate wave sailing experiences of your life.
    -Accommodation in Paia, right where we need to be for restaurants and living da life.
    -Old school van to blend in with the locals, collected from airport.
    -Two windsurf boards and 3 rigs to use each.
    -Windsurfing insurance (a necessity in the US)
    -Daily videos of you in action
    -Photos of you in glorious gloss to prove you were there!
    -Surf boards and/or SUPs included
    -Not including flights.
    -Single supplement for accom is region of £350

    Pinch yourself; Maui, Hawaii- it is really possible to be there and do it. The coaching will build your confidence right up so you can mix it with the world champions and get the photos to prove it.

    Läs mer här:
    Kontakta Guy direkt:


    basse svarade 14 år, 3 månader sedan 2 Medlemmar · 2 Svar
  • 2 Svar
  • basse

    4 februari, 2010 vid 13:00

    Aouch… den var inte billig men säkert riktigt kul och lärorik!
    Blir i runda slängar 37000 inkl flyg och då har man inte ätit eller festat något. he he

    Näääe… ja änte avis! 😀

  • basse

    4 februari, 2010 vid 13:07

    Låter jääkligt kul men inte direkt gratis som sagt. Säkert en upplevelse och mycket lärorikt!

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