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  • help!

    Publicerad av bleskunov på 14 juli, 2011 vid 06:41

    Hey, everyone! 😉
    I’m from Saint-Petersburg. I’m coming to Kalmar in autumn to study. And I’m very interested about kitesurfing in Kalmar. Give me please info about:
    1) spots (how many do you have, how is it possible to reach them, any specific);
    2) what average wind blows and what kite size (sizes) do I need to feel myself comfortable during all period of staying in Kalmar;
    3) are there a lot of students kitesurfing? (someone from Linnaeus?)
    4) are there any schools or training teams for student (we have such in Saint-P.)
    5) is there snowkiting in Kalmar? :santa: if yes, tell me please everything I need to practice snowkiting (spots, sizes for kites);
    6) Is there any shop in Kalmar so I could buy some stuff because I’m not sure if I could take all mine;

    Best regards,

    bleskunov svarade 12 år, 9 månader sedan 2 Medlemmar · 2 Svar
  • 2 Svar
  • jat

    15 juli, 2011 vid 20:06

    Post in this forum instead to get some Kite info:
    [ame=”″]Konfen Kitesurfing –[/ame%5D

  • bleskunov

    16 juli, 2011 vid 19:25


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