Senaste nytt Forums Övriga Branschnyheter How does the GoPro Drone Karma match the Dji Phant

  • How does the GoPro Drone Karma match the Dji Phant

    Publicerad av rss på 29 september, 2016 vid 14:31

    The all new portable drone from GoPro called Karma is soon to be released and is pretty different to the class leader Dji Phantom 4. Roumors are saying that Dji is working on a similar foldable drone concept called Dji Mavic. First of all, if we compare the GoPro Karma with the Dji Phantom 4 […]


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Senaste nytt Forums Övriga Branschnyheter How does the GoPro Drone Karma match the Dji Phant

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