Senaste nytt Forums Vindsurfing Slalom, Speed & Racing How many of you use Tuttle Box fins in a deep box?

  • How many of you use Tuttle Box fins in a deep box?

    Publicerad av brett74 på 16 december, 2013 vid 20:04

    Here is my dilemna, I have two boards, an 80 and a 107 ltr Isonic. One has a Tuttle Box and the other has a Deep Tuttle Box.
    Now I know that the Tuttle Box fins will fit in a Deep Tuttle Box but I am worried that an impact will damage the box more if I have a regular Tuttle fin in a deep box, like it will just push itself deeper and split the box.
    Do you guys use regular Tuttles in the Deep box?
    I wanted the Lessacher Duo weed in both the 28 and 32cm Deep Tuttle but can’t find one anywhere in stock…will consider second hand if there are any lying around.
    As always, feel free to reply in Swedish.

    henryk svarade 10 år, 4 månader sedan 3 Medlemmar · 4 Svar
  • 4 Svar
  • henryk

    17 december, 2013 vid 00:21
  • brett74

    17 december, 2013 vid 18:34

    Thanks Henryk…

  • jester

    17 december, 2013 vid 21:38

    It’s pretty common to use ordinary Tuttle Box fins in a deep Tuttle. Sure, it is prehaps easier to break the box, but i managed to break a board almost in two parts with a deep Tuttle… My CA Speed 63 has a depp tuttle, but I always use a standard Tuttle…

  • henryk

    21 december, 2013 vid 01:35

    Två korta bitar slang (bensinslang i detta fall) intryckta över skruvhålen. Komprimeras lite vid åtdragning, lätt att få fenbasen att liva perfekt med boxens/brädans yta.

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