Senaste nytt Forums Vindsurfing Slalom, Speed & Racing Ny GPS release från Locosys!

  • jester

    7 januari, 2008 vid 20:33

    Gissningsvis en GT11 med Sirf Star III? Spännande

  • speedman

    29 januari, 2008 vid 14:50

    Hittade följande info om den nya GT-31 modellen den ser onekligen mycket intressant ut!:D

    Du hade rätt om SiRF Star III Jester!:tongue:

    * SiRF Star III low power chip
    * Water proof and floatable
    * Up to 24 hours continuous operation time
    * Built in 10+ languages
    * 1000 waypoints, 20 routes and 1 track
    * Built in flash memory to store 20,000 GPS data
    * Support SD/MMC card to store GPS data
    * Bluetooth SPP (optional)

    Hittade även en tidig utgåva av manualen v0.3.:smile:

  • jester

    29 januari, 2008 vid 16:26

    Kopierat från GP3S:

    Andrew Daff 1-25-2008 03:26
    As the specifications for the GT-31 stand now it seems to be as good as, if not slightly better than the GT-11 for accuracy of speed. The Sirf 3 chip is more sensitive and should get better satellite reception more of the time. The features and firmware are almost identical.

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