Senaste nytt Forums Kitesurfing Konfen Kitesurfing parking ticket and a shaved head….

  • daniceder

    9 augusti, 2008 vid 13:08

    haha hows the after thought on the shaved head feeling? and i cant believe you went driving that drunk man, bad skotten!

  • gh0st

    9 augusti, 2008 vid 18:21

    I had a blast as well! Awesome night!
    Hehe Dani, he wasn’t driving, he had left the car at my place and forgot to buy a ticket.

  • skotten

    9 augusti, 2008 vid 18:22

    hahaha I didnt go driving.. the car was parked.. thats when you get parking tickets haha – you blonde.

  • daniceder

    10 augusti, 2008 vid 17:05

    haha thank god… but people (im not saying you :P) make stupid choices when they drink, like taking the car and parking it in the wrong place…i guess your just half bald….i mean…blonde 😉

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Senaste nytt Forums Kitesurfing Konfen Kitesurfing parking ticket and a shaved head….

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