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  • skotten

    2 oktober, 2007 vid 20:22

    maybe we can exchange some tips…?? I am distributing the boards mike blomvall rides, how about a day of “you can play with mine if I can play with yours?”

    You guys making waveboards?

  • kinetic

    2 oktober, 2007 vid 20:31

    Skotten: I cant kite-board (i have just “flewn” a trainer kite for approx 1 hour and just felt the power of our Contra 16.5) so you can have the board one day and see what it can and cant:-). But i would appreciate if you could perhaps give us (me and my brother) som useful tips/hints next season when we will give kite-boarding a serious try:-).

  • skotten

    2 oktober, 2007 vid 20:39

    I will give you both a free day at for a board : )

  • kinetic

    2 oktober, 2007 vid 20:56

    Hahahaha:-).It will be sufficent if you just have look at our kite and tell us if its properly pumped and “tuned” (we did have some problems with the kite turning better in one direction then the other, we adjusted the lengthes of the lines since there was a slight differnce). I will be going to Habo most likely this weekend (too) so i will drop you a PM so we can arrange the “test”, that is if u have not stoped surfing, it is getting quite cold…

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