Senaste nytt Forums Kitesurfing Konfen Kitesurfing Skåne Kite Racing Club on its way!!!

  • kiters_se

    25 november, 2011 vid 07:53

    Nice, I am not that active on Surfzone anymore but I got a mail from Wikemo, thanks!
    I bought my first kiterace board two years ago, and I really like the new concept.
    It´s still developing very fast, new boards and concepts very often, but I think the boards and fins now start to find a good shape.
    But just last week I heard about a new discipline waveracing 
    It looks like course racing will be an Olympic discipline but also kitecross . Kitecross has a great advantage, you don’t need that extreme board and more can attend to racing. Kitecross has tre disciplines, slalom, boarder-x and distance.
    Please join the group that me and Adam Koch has started, you can there find some of the best kiters in the world int that forum.
    > Course Racing
    > Wave Racing
    > Kite Cross
    + Slalom
    + Boarder-X
    + Long Distance
    > Speed!/groups/
    We have also a Swedish group!/group.php?gid=120928605364


  • jurij

    4 februari, 2013 vid 09:12

    Vad hände med Skåne Kite Racing Club?
    Hittar inget på nätet.
    Finns det någon annan racing club i Sverige?
    Tacksam för alla svar.

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Senaste nytt Forums Kitesurfing Konfen Kitesurfing Skåne Kite Racing Club on its way!!!

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