Senaste nytt Forums Vindsurfing Slalom, Speed & Racing Spot search Lettland

  • Oregistrerad

    29 oktober, 2007 vid 07:09

    Ställde en fråga till våra lettiska surfvänner om speedstrippan i Liepaja,

    jep, in Google Earth it looks perfect but in fact inner waters are rather unfit for purpouse when ruling SW winds blow because water hits brakewaters and return to aquatorium so creating terrible chop. problem is that access to these waters are mainly on Northern part of port. There is wsurfing club Rietumkrasts located. So at SW no chances for speedsailing. But if steady Nord comes over, speedstrip is smooth right behind N brakewatter on inner side. There is another option for flat speed surfing when clear South blows – go behind of N brakwater in a see. This is really sensation since waves come in from the see smooth and very long so that you will not jump over them but fly above on full speed. Still closer to open see waves become steeper and start to brake. Conclusion: this definately is not French Channel but at certain winds place is exceptionaly enjoyable for flatwater sailing.


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