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  • Sufing Tomorrow, Skit I Shopping!

    Publicerad av skotten på 15 december, 2006 vid 15:47

    Who is up for it?? you have the perfect excuse, the wife will probably be shopping and you now have the perfect excuse not to be lead around shops like a lost kid, sitting outside changing rooms making small talk with other fellow sufferers….

    No rain, wind, skotten, coffee and gifflar, what more could you ask for?

    fifi svarade 17 år, 5 månader sedan 4 Medlemmar · 3 Svar
  • 3 Svar
  • simoneburgess

    15 december, 2006 vid 16:26

    Men vinden då? Vart fan är vinden? Den verkar själv blivit offer för sin bättre hälfts shoppinglusta

  • mjersen

    15 december, 2006 vid 20:40

    @skotten 354729 wrote:

    Who is up for it?? you have the perfect excuse, the wife will probably be shopping and you now have the perfect excuse not to be lead around shops like a lost kid, sitting outside changing rooms making small talk with other fellow sufferers….

    No rain, wind, skotten, coffee and gifflar, what more could you ask for?

    ser ju kass ut i morgon, men söndag kan nog bli najs

  • fifi

    15 december, 2006 vid 22:18

    @skotten 354729 wrote:

    Who is up for it?? you have the perfect excuse, the wife will probably be shopping and you now have the perfect excuse not to be lead around shops like a lost kid, sitting outside changing rooms making small talk with other fellow sufferers….

    No rain, wind, skotten, coffee and gifflar, what more could you ask for?

    hunden My, haha

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