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  • Surfclub Klagshamn behöver låna en liten motor

    Publicerad av petter_f på 19 november, 2010 vid 12:59

    Surfclub Klagshamn desperately need to borrow a small outboard motor of around 5-10 hp. Our boat’s motor has died and we have to collect the buoys that mark our beloved stones before any ice comes.

    Is there anyone out there that has a motor that we could borrow this weekend? We have a small reserve boat but no motor for it.

    This would earn you mega brownie points in windsurfing heaven, so spread the word.

    PM or give me a call on 0708 42 82 42 if you can help out. Even help on the boat would be much appreciated. So far we only have 2 who can help this weekend and we need 3.



    petter_f svarade 13 år, 5 månader sedan 1 Medlem · 0 Svar
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Senaste nytt Forums Vindsurfing Konfen Vindsurfing Surfclub Klagshamn behöver låna en liten motor

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