Senaste nytt Forums Vindsurfing Konfen Vindsurfing Unused gear for teenager beginner in Goteborg?

  • Unused gear for teenager beginner in Goteborg?

    Publicerad av plettil på 17 juli, 2014 vid 07:29

    Hello all,
    Yesterday, I met in Björlanda a young teenager trying to learn windsurf with more than 30years old gear. A brand new klepper 270 :D, a wish without a locking front handle, no harness and the rest…
    If anyone of you in the Goteborg area have unused gear in pretty decent shape, post windsurfer, in the age of 15-25 years, to free up some space in your garage or attic…. He could take some benefits 😮 of it and learn a bit faster. The first need for him, from my point of view, is a wishbone with a locking front handle and a harness. I have a seabright front handle but not sure it will be easy to adapt. Unfortunately I already gave away my other unused stuff or threw them away. 🙁
    If you have, mp me and I will pass over the message.
    Thanks for him and the renewal of windsurfing community. 🙂


    plettil svarade 9 år, 9 månader sedan 1 Medlem · 1 Svar
  • 1 Svar
  • plettil

    26 juli, 2014 vid 19:08


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