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  • qq-57

    31 maj, 2010 vid 17:33 som svar på: PRO Area, Habo

    Yo guys nice move. None of my concern ever since I am not in Lund anymore, but last time was in 2009 and already then it felt like this place is going nuts. Can only imagine how it is nowadays.

    Skotten, ever since you brought this task up, I think you have to step up and wear a nice uniform. Envisioning something like this…


  • qq-57

    27 november, 2009 vid 14:43 som svar på: 2009 PKRA World Champions

    There are many reasons to like/dislike an athlete. Performance is only one of them.
    Again, not talking about respect. I have the uttermost respect for what Hadlow does on the water. I just don’t like him

  • qq-57

    27 november, 2009 vid 11:11 som svar på: 2009 PKRA World Champions

    I have tons of respect for his riding, but Hadlow sucks. His interview after he lost, his whining on his webpage before, the fact that in every single video, he dwells so much on what he does, what he wants to do and how much better he is than everyone else… c’mon dude. Called his last clip “mimic this”, WTF?? Plus, every pro rider I’ve met so far seems fun and social, except Hadlow. Dunno if he’s shy or arrogant, but WTF.
    Anyhow, again, respect for his riding. Too bad that Alex Pastor wasn’t in this shape before, coz his (and Zoon’s) riding is the most stylish and powerful I’ve seen, way nicer to watch than Hadlow and Langeree.

  • qq-57

    20 november, 2009 vid 10:10 som svar på: Liten tävling i Paracuru
    Virena;588976 wrote:
    tack, ja kom hit pa lite fin kak, Svenskrestaurangen har blivit en succe har. Grymt, hoppas vi ses snart, halsa de andra grabbarna

    Grattis! Ha, svensk restaurangen är faktiskt mycket mycket bra, men kycklingbröd pa centralen är fortförande bäst!!

  • qq-57

    12 november, 2009 vid 18:13 som svar på: skador relaterade till kite

    Am lucky so far…no injuries. But in regards to wakestyle, knee is def the weak point. Alex Pastor and Youri Zoon both were wearing knee braces when I saw them in Brazil..
    It’s a matter of hard impacts and not sufficient training of the leg muscles. Most of the knee injuries happen when the muscles are too weak to keep the leg in a normal position (e.g., the twist/bend movement, which fucks your ACL). Kiting, especially in flat water, is not exercising the legs all that much. There’s a bunch of awesome exercises at the gym, especially squats, and some plyometric exercises (more like explosive/reactive training. Even Innebandy would do the trick I guess). Anyways, keep those legs in shape and your knee will be able to take a LOT more shit before it gives up

    Dr. Leo 😀

  • qq-57

    12 november, 2009 vid 17:05 som svar på: Alex Pastor & Torch 2010 i Cumbuco, Brazil
    JohanW;587819 wrote:
    come back to sweden after brazil man!!

    Will try and find a job in Boston, but if that aint happening, Lund will be the choice. Still in love with Habo! Shit this spot is sick..
    Dude have a blast in WA!!

  • qq-57

    12 november, 2009 vid 17:04 som svar på: Alex Pastor & Torch 2010 i Cumbuco, Brazil
    hildingdude;587778 wrote:
    hehe vem är de som har skrivit de?

    Jag är en bö tysk kille som har försökt att införa att alla maste kläder sig i en speedo när dom kejtar pa Habo…men hade ingen lyck..

  • qq-57

    11 november, 2009 vid 16:37 som svar på: Alex Pastor & Torch 2010 i Cumbuco, Brazil

    From all I’ve seen at the lagoon, what distinguishes Alex (and Youri) far from the rest of the riders (a lot of KPWT riders were around) is how f’ing low his kite is at all times, and how insane he loads up and pops off the water for his tricks. No cheating around with sending the kite up and shit, so much power. Beyond that, a really nice and humble kid.

    And yeah, the lagoon gets insanely crowded on a regular basis, but you get used to it. It’s not the number of riders, it’s the number of idiots that screw thing up. Nice to watch from outside, though, there’s always something going on. Favourite trick, railey into Barrackas 😀

    On a sidenote, the Torch 2010 is the best kite I’ve ever ridden

  • qq-57

    1 juli, 2009 vid 16:14 som svar på: Habo is sentenced to death
    skotten;556352 wrote:
    I will happily continue to be a dickhead on the beach to those that need to hear it, but I think its a lost cause.. kinna like showing up at an earthquake with a dustpan and brush…

    Naah don’t be discouraged we just need to get you a new outfit


    (full pic here)

  • qq-57

    1 juli, 2009 vid 15:59 som svar på: Habo is sentenced to death
    smaskens;556428 wrote:
    Svensk kultur är förpestad med uppdämd aggression grundlagd på vår luteranska uppfostran.
    Se bara hur j-a illa folk beter sig i trafiken.
    Synd om det sprider sig till kitemiljön.
    Jag tycker det är helt på sin plats att tillrättavisa dumt beteende.
    Det borde väl leda till reflektioner och förhoppningsvis ändrat beteende hos den som felar…

    Hälsningar Moralpredikanten

    There’s a difference between pointless aggression (traffic) and some healthy attitude when someone is about to chop your head of with his kite lines. Of course one can be nice in the first place, but if someone responds with ignorance and keeps on creating havoc on the beach and in the water, you’d have every reason in the world to give this dude some serious shit and/or cut his lines.
    BTW, That kind of open and honest attitude would do the swedish culture really well in general. No need to freak out over a few loud words. Swallow it, wipe it off and keep going.

  • qq-57

    1 juli, 2009 vid 15:51 som svar på: Habo is sentenced to death
    mjersen;556314 wrote:
    when are u coming back man?? we miss u on the beach!

    I hope I can swing by somewhen in the late summer/fall. I’ll prob work in Boston from October on. Any travel plans this summer? I have time to spend between in Aug/Sep

  • qq-57

    30 juni, 2009 vid 20:46 som svar på: Habo is sentenced to death

    Well if I’d have to choose between popularity or Habo, easy choice.

    I’m not sure that it’s about popularity. The Swedish culture is very nice and polite, which is awesome, but sometimes, it needs a few dickheads to keep other idiots in check.

  • qq-57

    30 juni, 2009 vid 15:14 som svar på: Habo is sentenced to death

    Same shit…


    The locals and advanced kiters will have to step up. Might not be the most popular thing, but at least saves the spot and maybe someone’s health in the long term.

  • qq-57

    15 maj, 2009 vid 21:24 som svar på: BiLDER FRÅN KITEJAM
    nundy;547038 wrote:
    Haha… you can’t let that girl decide where to live!! Take her here… or drop it 🙂 I bet she has made you sell Kurt Kurt

    Which of my girls are you talking about? My 7m, my 10m or my 14m? But you’re right, I had to sell Kurt Kurt, those North girls are expensive..
    Whatup bro?

  • qq-57

    15 maj, 2009 vid 18:13 som svar på: BiLDER FRÅN KITEJAM
    JohanW;546996 wrote:
    dude are you back in sweden? Do you live in lund again?

    Nah unfortunately not. Will have to sort out my future in the next few weeks, am in Boston, trying to get something going, but Lund is def on my list, I miss Habo big time. I might visit this summer if there are a few windy days! If I end up in Boston, you guys should come visit the New England area, good spirit and a lot of awesome spots around here.
    @Shottish Gaylover, you’d like the crew here, right up your alley when it comes to trash talk

    Again, thumbs up for the Kite Jam, great work!!

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