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  • skutt

    31 augusti, 2007 vid 06:29 som svar på: Modifiering av bridles mm på crossbow 1

    Sålde kiten med bridlefix . Det är enkelblock du ska ha + ca 2m bridlelina tar ca 20 min att fixa , var noga med längden på dom nya linbitarna måste vara exakt lika långa som dom två du tar bort . C+D på skissen .


  • skutt

    30 augusti, 2007 vid 06:48 som svar på: Modifiering av bridles mm på crossbow 1

    Det här löser CB bomtrycket . Otroligt att inte Cabrinha själva löste det , det är inte jag som löst det hitta de det på kite forum en engelsk kille som har tänkt till och det fungerar utmärkt inget bomtryck längre och kiten svarar snabbare på styrning . Och det kostar bara ca 60:- att köpa blocken . Jag gjorde fixen på en C/B 12 .

    Kör själv inte crossbow längre men kan garantera att fixen fungerar .

    Nu kör jag Best Waroo 9 och 14 och skywalker F/S 130 -39 är riktigt nöjd med det .



    Sorry to have teased you guys for so long. We just had to make sure that the system worked under a few different conditions and on a few different sized crossbow kites.

    I have been very frustrated as have many Crossbow users with the bar pressure. A forum aquaintance of mine (Paul from Melbourne) wrote to me recently and alerted me to the fix I have been getting quizzed about. He was also reticent to share the knowledge without firstly testing that people could understand and make the necessary changes.

    If you are not confident with knots or loops and haven’t played around extensively with bridles, lines etc., you should get assistance from someone who has the appropriate knowledge BEFORE making the changes listed herein.

    I was so dissappointed with the bar pressure on my 16M Crossbow that I used it very infrequently. I have a 12M Rapture 1 which is my favourite kite due to the enourmous depower. Bar pressure has not been an issue with this kite due to the CC Bar setup.

    I purchased a 16M Crossbow thinking that as it was a newer kite it would be better than the Rapture. Elbows ached after each session.

    I modified an old bar incorporating a spinlock cleat which allows you to lock the bar in any position but this still did not fix the bar pressure problem. Just gave some respite while riding.

    I have had an absolute Sh*tfight with my camera tonight thanks to Mr Microsoft and a recent service pack upgrade. So rather than wait any longer I have done three sketches to explain the changes needed to FIX THE BAR PRESSURE ONCE AND FOR ALL.

    Essentially you will be replacing two sections of your bridle on each side of the kite with a single piece of bridle line in each case.

    You will also be incorporating an additional small pulley onto this new piece of bridle on each side of the kite.

    This new pulley allows the pressure involved when you sheet in and out or turn the kite to be transferred and shared more equally between the front and the rear lines.

    The current front line setup has a fixed attachment point which causes high pressure at lower wind speeds.

    This is well documented and accepted as truthfull by all except those on the forum who like to pretend that they are tougher than most. Some respondents on the forums just call anyone who mentions the pressure a whimp or some such equally useless name. Its best to look for answers rather than just Pooh Pooh the problem.

    I was concerned about the resale value of my kite as well as its usability.

    You will need to purchase two Ronstan RF 13101R-2 Kite Block Pulleys or alternateively two Riley 302 Pulleys.

    You will also need a few meters of spectra bridle line. Thats all.

    The problem fix will costs less than $20. (I personally think Cabrinha should send out a free retro kit)

    Lay your kite on the ground and work on one side at a time. Lay out the bridle and detach the bridle lines as shown in the attached ilustrations Lay them onthe ground in front of your kite in approximately the same position as they were originally placed.

    Loop the two pieces of bridle together that you will be replacing and measure the overall length. Add to this measurement, sufficient line to make a loop on one end and a pigtail knot on the other.

    Buy your line and pulleys.

    Make a loop on one end of the new piece of line. Attach this end to the kite. Thread your pulley onto the new bridle line and tie a pigtail knot on the other end.

    Reconnect the remaining bridle lines back together.

    Repeat this process for the other side of the kite.

    This fix really does work. The bar pressure is similar to an ordinary C Kite and I have found that my 16M turns slightly better and relaunches very easily.

    This fix has been tried in a variety of wind conditions and gives the most improvement in bar pressure on a 16M kite. There is also a large improvement in the 12M model.

    It has not yet been tested on a 9M Kite.

    Have a look at the following sketches. Sorry for the quality but it’s 12.30 am and I am dog tired.

    PM me or write in this forum if you need any further info. Any resourceful young person who needs some extra cash might even benefit from making a “fix pack” to sell to their mates.

    Good Luck and enjoy your Crossbow fully at last.

    If you don’y like the fix just put the old pieces back and work on your forearm muscles !!!!!!

    Regards – Fitzy Gold Coast OZ

  • skutt

    30 augusti, 2007 vid 06:36 som svar på: Modifiering av bridles mm på crossbow 1

    Det här löser CB bomtrycket . Otroligt att inte Cabrinha själva löste det , det är inte jag som löst det hitta de det på kite forum en engelsk kille som har tänkt till och det fungerar utmärkt inget bomtryck längre och kiten svarar snabbare på styrning . Och det kostar bara ca 60:- att köpa blocken .


    Sorry to have teased you guys for so long. We just had to make sure that the system worked under a few different conditions and on a few different sized crossbow kites.

    I have been very frustrated as have many Crossbow users with the bar pressure. A forum aquaintance of mine (Paul from Melbourne) wrote to me recently and alerted me to the fix I have been getting quizzed about. He was also reticent to share the knowledge without firstly testing that people could understand and make the necessary changes.

    If you are not confident with knots or loops and haven’t played around extensively with bridles, lines etc., you should get assistance from someone who has the appropriate knowledge BEFORE making the changes listed herein.

    I was so dissappointed with the bar pressure on my 16M Crossbow that I used it very infrequently. I have a 12M Rapture 1 which is my favourite kite due to the enourmous depower. Bar pressure has not been an issue with this kite due to the CC Bar setup.

    I purchased a 16M Crossbow thinking that as it was a newer kite it would be better than the Rapture. Elbows ached after each session.

    I modified an old bar incorporating a spinlock cleat which allows you to lock the bar in any position but this still did not fix the bar pressure problem. Just gave some respite while riding.

    I have had an absolute Sh*tfight with my camera tonight thanks to Mr Microsoft and a recent service pack upgrade. So rather than wait any longer I have done three sketches to explain the changes needed to FIX THE BAR PRESSURE ONCE AND FOR ALL.

    Essentially you will be replacing two sections of your bridle on each side of the kite with a single piece of bridle line in each case.

    You will also be incorporating an additional small pulley onto this new piece of bridle on each side of the kite.

    This new pulley allows the pressure involved when you sheet in and out or turn the kite to be transferred and shared more equally between the front and the rear lines.

    The current front line setup has a fixed attachment point which causes high pressure at lower wind speeds.

    This is well documented and accepted as truthfull by all except those on the forum who like to pretend that they are tougher than most. Some respondents on the forums just call anyone who mentions the pressure a whimp or some such equally useless name. Its best to look for answers rather than just Pooh Pooh the problem.

    I was concerned about the resale value of my kite as well as its usability.

    You will need to purchase two Ronstan RF 13101R-2 Kite Block Pulleys or alternateively two Riley 302 Pulleys.

    You will also need a few meters of spectra bridle line. Thats all.

    The problem fix will costs less than $20. (I personally think Cabrinha should send out a free retro kit)

    Lay your kite on the ground and work on one side at a time. Lay out the bridle and detach the bridle lines as shown in the attached ilustrations Lay them onthe ground in front of your kite in approximately the same position as they were originally placed.

    Loop the two pieces of bridle together that you will be replacing and measure the overall length. Add to this measurement, sufficient line to make a loop on one end and a pigtail knot on the other.

    Buy your line and pulleys.

    Make a loop on one end of the new piece of line. Attach this end to the kite. Thread your pulley onto the new bridle line and tie a pigtail knot on the other end.

    Reconnect the remaining bridle lines back together.

    Repeat this process for the other side of the kite.

    This fix really does work. The bar pressure is similar to an ordinary C Kite and I have found that my 16M turns slightly better and relaunches very easily.

    This fix has been tried in a variety of wind conditions and gives the most improvement in bar pressure on a 16M kite. There is also a large improvement in the 12M model.

    It has not yet been tested on a 9M Kite.

    Have a look at the following sketches. Sorry for the quality but it’s 12.30 am and I am dog tired.

    PM me or write in this forum if you need any further info. Any resourceful young person who needs some extra cash might even benefit from making a “fix pack” to sell to their mates.

    Good Luck and enjoy your Crossbow fully at last.

    If you don’y like the fix just put the old pieces back and work on your forearm muscles !!!!!!

    Regards – Fitzy Gold Coast OZ
    Bifogade miniatyrer

  • skutt

    15 augusti, 2007 vid 12:52 som svar på: Vad gör jag för fel?

    Låter exakt som varamon vid vandrarhemmet s/v vind , byig vind troligen . Inget fel på inst på kiten

  • skutt

    26 januari, 2007 vid 15:30 som svar på: Östergötland snökite – var i helgen?

    Ser inte bra ut om det inte kommer mer snö var uppe på jobb i norköping idag kollade Himmelstalundfältet såg inte ut att vara mer än 5cm snö grässtrån stack upp genom snön men om det kommer mer snö så ser det stället bra ut fram till att isen på roxen blir tillräckligt tjock .

    Syns när det blir dax för lite snö kiting .


  • skutt

    18 december, 2006 vid 08:19 som svar på: BEST Bularoo

    @HugeO 354920 wrote:

    best är fan bajskites o dyra nu me

    Ååå … Tack för ännu ett bra och konstruktivt inlägg


  • skutt

    10 september, 2006 vid 15:31 som svar på: Östergötland / Fredag

    Körde i varat i fredags gick bra även där 8-12 vnv byigt inne vid land men ok en bit ut , vi var 2st som körde så ingen trängsel . Körde från tre tiden sol klarblå himmel och vind till att dess att solen gick ner ,klart nöjd .

    ( Björn . Waroo 9an vilken kanon kite )


  • skutt

    18 augusti, 2006 vid 08:09 som svar på: Waroo..

    Allt du behöver göra är att byta depower tampen till en som är 15-20 cm längre så har du full funktion på waroo kiten med din ga EH bom . Går att köpa tamp på watski butikerna eller annan båtbutik kostar mindre än 50:-


  • skutt

    13 augusti, 2006 vid 16:48 som svar på: Rak Ostlig På Östgötaslätta!!!!

    Kunde gissa det . .Hade skit JOUR satt vid en disk krashad ICAserver i Finspång hela dagen så det var nog tack vare mig som ni hade vind .

  • skutt

    12 augusti, 2006 vid 15:34 som svar på: Rak Ostlig På Östgötaslätta!!!!

    Hej . Är inte kohagen fågelskydsområde maj-sep nånting har sett skyltar utmed bergsvägen , man bör ju inte reta upp *ornitologer man har ju hört hur det går i skåne.

    *Människor med djup själslig förankring till flygande djur .

  • skutt

    8 mars, 2006 vid 08:04 som svar på: Hur många forummedlemmar behövs för att byta en glödlampa?

    Ni glömde EH brigaden som kommer att , oavsett vad inlägget från början handlade om kommer med ett inlägg om att allt är kasst , värdelöst , oanvändbart . (specielt om det står Peter Lynn på det.) Endast EH är bra nog för riktiga kitare etc . (gäller även glödlampor) .


  • skutt

    1 mars, 2006 vid 08:24 som svar på: Lilla övningskiten varamonsurfklubb .

    Lite kul att se hur snabbt en tråd kan spåra ur och byta ämne .


  • skutt

    27 februari, 2006 vid 14:43 som svar på: Bomtryck fix till CB

    fifan vilket jevla meck varför inte göra en kite som fungerar från början.? och varför den där jevla pulleybaren..

    Kan bara hålla med varför inte göra det rätt från början , det här mecket löste dom största problemen med CBn så jag är nöjd så länge . Kommer själv med säkerhet att byta till en Bow / SLE kite med en mer clean lösning på bom och bridle , det är klart för många/mycket block och andra rörliga delar på Cabrinhas lösning .
    (släng gärna upp lite bilder på EHs saker så man kan se hur dom har gjort för att få det att fungera)


  • skutt

    27 februari, 2006 vid 08:14 som svar på: Bomtryck fix till CB

    Har nu haft en bra dag ute på snö och testat modningen , fungerar bra halva bomtrycket svänger snabbare nästan för snabbt lättare att backstarta efter krasch . Är nu inte lika stadig i zenit beror säkert på att den har blivit mer direkt känslig för bomutslag .( inget som är störande )
    Är nöjd kommer att fortsätta köra med den här lösningen .


  • skutt

    16 februari, 2006 vid 07:44 som svar på: Ozone – La Roxa

    PÅ sön verkar det som om Ekängen är ett dåligt alternativ s/o vind 4-5 ms . Vet inte hur mycket snö det ligger på andra ställen på sjön .

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