Senaste nytt Forums Vågsurfing Fyll i vår enkät och tävla om 10par SurfEars

  • Fyll i vår enkät och tävla om 10par SurfEars

    Publicerad av hifly på 30 april, 2014 vid 11:58

    Win a set of SurfEars and help us define the future of surfing!

    Participate in our survey about tracking for surfers and be one of the lucky 10 to win a set of SurfEars.

    Link to survey:

    Tracking and visualizing your performance during sports is something we’ll see much more of in the near future. Already today there are a number of devices like watches, smartphones etc that can do this for you. However, the data you get out of them isn’t always that relevant and useful.

    We’re doing a survey to better understand what kind of data would be relevant and valuable for you as a surfer to track during a session, and to know how you would like the data visualized and presented during and after your session.

    You’ll need to enter your email in the survey to be part of the competition.

    Thanks for your help and please share with the world!

    hifly svarade 10 år sedan 1 Medlem · 0 Svar
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