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  • Kitesurfing and Windsurfing in Habo

    Publicerad av skotten på 9 oktober, 2006 vid 08:11

    Out yesterday I was ripping about, but then I noticed something….. As I passed a couple of windsurfers, they were doing the same as I was… Smiling like a complete idiot… so, I try giving the thumbs up, and I get them back!!.. Could it be that the gap is dissapearing between us?? Can it be true???

    skotten svarade 17 år, 7 månader sedan 3 Medlemmar · 3 Svar
  • 3 Svar
  • joth

    9 oktober, 2006 vid 09:12

    Så länge både vindsurfare och Kiteare tar hänsyn till varandra och inte slåss om samma utrymme (Habo är ju stort så alla behöver inte vara på samma kvadratmeter) så skall väl inte osämja behövas. Klart att man hälsar tebax oavsett kite eller W-surf.


  • bonasurf

    9 oktober, 2006 vid 13:16

    It has to be a kitesurfing windsurfer.

    Kitesurfers are like dogs.
    There are god dogs and there are bad dogs. But they are all dogs.


  • skotten

    10 oktober, 2006 vid 11:56

    Yeah well in any case after all I had heard about the windsurf Kitesurf thing, it was still nice that it was all proven wrong.

    Cool to get a smile back!!


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