Senaste nytt Forums Kitesurfing Konfen Kitesurfing the solution is finally here

  • ric

    25 april, 2006 vid 06:40

    haha, jag vill beställa några sådanna skylltar direkt!!

  • gh0st

    25 april, 2006 vid 07:04

    Hahaha, helt perfekt! Vi borde spamma hela kusten där nere med sådana skyltar.

  • tomw

    25 april, 2006 vid 15:07

    Kul, ya.

    Men så snart dem vet att det är kitesurfers som gjort det blir hårt och kollektivt bestraffning.

    Tråkigare men bättre: hålla lågprofil, don´t piss anyone off, var snäll och vänlig trots motpartens agerande. Eventuellt blir alla van vid oss och kommer tycker att vi fanns alltid.


  • skotten

    25 april, 2006 vid 16:00

    sadly you are right mate….

    Any plans to make a kite park anywhere?? what are the laws regarding building ourselfs? There is heaps of shallow water where I live but there is no sand, its all boggy grass.


  • tomw

    26 april, 2006 vid 12:28


    ahhhhh… english! (ok, Scottish=sort a english). Welcome to Sweden, at least you are used to the climate.

    Last year up at Habo, Mattias (just look for the dude that is fashionably dressed, doing unhooked looping moves i don´t know the names of) has dragged a ramp and rail out that promptly drifted to the wayside and turned into an eyesore that only served the purpose of being rusty, dangerous junk.

    Habo would be a great place, but there is a lot of lessons there in the high season. JP hålan is out of the way but harder to transport stuff there.

    The big issues are:
    1. permission at Habo- Stellan would be the guy to arrange this
    2. at JP no ones gonna notice.
    3. construction of good ramps and rail that will hold up: financing
    4. installation.

    I have not done any research into the construction of ramps, but if you look at wakeboard ramps, they are floating.

    A good approach would be to make floating ramp and a fixed rail. By anchoring the ramp correctly you could get the ramp to always be in the correct wind position and height. A fixed rail is easier, but needs to be well made.

    ANOTHER thought would be to have a kite-cross set-up, using inflatable obstacles. That could be use for racing……


  • nilsson

    26 april, 2006 vid 12:49

    Inte i JP, tack vill hålla på med en vattensport och inte ha skateboardpark!

  • skotten

    27 april, 2006 vid 14:19

    Nice english Tom, in fact, probably better than most of my mates back home! heh heh.

    I think it would be a nice idea to have a ramp, but like you say, there are heaps of practical issues that are not the easiest to solve, for instance how to keep the ramp from making its way back into shore and looking like hell.. again, its important that we dont shoot ourselfs in the foot by constructing something, and encourage a wave of home-built eyesores popping up in the best riding spots. It is up to us to ensure that the sea and beaches stay safe and clean.

    There must be someone in the Kommun that can help out with this? after all there are not that many places we are able to ride, and its no secret that if something is built, it may lead to the best spots becoming overcrowded. There must be a way to allow people to ride a little freestyle, without loosing the freedom that we all need after a crappy week at work.

    Perhaps there is a way to develp parts of the coast that are considered difficult to launch from? Hmm how would I do that….

    Anyway, it seems that there is a lot to discuss, and it is certaintly not for me to decide how to go about it….

    What do the old-school riders think?

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